Nuevo Nocturnus 75mm f0.95


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Nocturnus 0.95/75 mm becomes world’s fastest 75mm lens with 15 aperture blades
Meyer-Optik-Görlitz Nocturnus 0.95/75mm continues the creation of the “master of light series” and the legacy of the fastest 75mm lens in the world
Available for Leica M, Sony and Fuji X

Again Meyer optic reaches for the next big step. But this time it’s a big one: the creation of the fastest 75mm lens worldwide causes a stir:

  • sharpness with aperture of 0.95 – 16
  • the fastest 75 mm lens of the world with 15 aperture blades
  • a Bokeh ideal for portrait photography in difficult light conditions
  • a lens that creates a three-dimensional appearance separating the subject from the background in a characteristic manner
  • compatible with Leica M, Sony E and Fuji X
  • click less aperture ring
  • Made in Germany
  • Highest requirements for the glasses used
Expected launch: May 2018
Expected Delivery Date/Availability: April 2019
Special Early Bird Price until 20.05.2018: 1899 €, expected MSRP €3999
Available camera mounts: Leica M, Sony E and Fuji X
More Information: Nocturnus 75 pre-sale mailing list

Meyer-Optik-Goerlitz: Again, in the leading position for available light photography
Already in the 1920s, Meyer brought lenses to market which were the fastest lenses of their time: the Kinoplasmat 75/f1. 5. Later the Primoplan 1.9/58 was to become the fastest standard lens for the famous Exakta camera, which was sold in the USA as “Kine night Exakta”. At this time Meyer-Optik Goerlitz was considered as the most prominent manufacturer of available light lenses, so called “giants of light” and in 2016 the company presented the Nocturnus 0.95/50 mm for the first time now available in its third version.
Now Meyer is following the legacy of creating the fastest 75mm lens in the world like it once did with the Kinoplasmat. The Nocturnus 0.95/75 mm lens is a full format lens available for Sony E, Fuji X and Leica M. The company also intends to follow with a 35mm lens later in order to complete its Nocturnus line.

Main Features

1. The Nocturnus provides unsurpassed portrait images

Like its “little brother” – the Nocturnus 50 – the Nocturnus 0.95/75 delivers outstanding performance with a fully opened aperture 0.95 for Sony E, Fuji X and Leica M photographers.
With its aperture at 0.95 and its 15 steel aperture blades with antireflection coating the Nocturnus 50 delivers an appearance and imaging which cannot be obtained by any other lens. This opens creative opportunities especially in “people photography” under difficult light conditions.

2. 75mm focal length, 15 Steel Aperture Blades: #1 and Only in the World of Available Light Photography

World premier! 75mm focal length, 15 steel aperture blades along with a maximum aperture of 0.95 is only available in the portfolio of Meyer-Optik Goerlitz. This combination allows photographers who are using Leica M, Sony E or Fuji X to make use of the outstanding creative opportunities by the conscious use of depth of field, sharpness and bokeh. The 15 blades aperture was designed by Dr. Prenzel from Goerlitz and the mechanical components of the aperture are built by Otto Niemann precision mechanics from Berlin. Otto Niemann has been one of the specialists in the production of iris diaphragms since 1945. Of course, the aperture of the Nocturnus 0.95/75 is adjustable to infinty. The mechanical quality is outstanding and as a result the Nocturnus 0.95 / 75mm is a tool, that the photographer can rely on all his life.

3. Handmade Masterpieces

The Nocturnus 0.95/75 is a handmade masterpiece. Trained expert staff and state of the art technology make each Meyer-Optik Goerlitz lens a masterpiece in itself. Meyer-Optik Goerlitz employs a selected staff who put in all their experience and pride to produce a perfect Meyer-Optik Goerlitz Nocturnus 0.95/75. The company offers guided tours in its production facilities in Hamburg, Germany, to give customers an insight into the high production standards.

4. Photography at the speed of light

The combination of 75mm and the unique aperture of f 0.95 creates images of an unmet aesthetic especially when shot wide open, generating a three dimensional appearance where the subject seems to be stepping out of the image. The Bokeh is smooth and under the appropriate condition may contain some sharp edged light circles.
Each shot is of unique sharpness, depth of field and Bokeh characteristic.

tengo que decir que no me llama lo más minimo y el precio me parece una locura, pero no está de más compartir la información.

Los meyer suelen ser caros, pero este por 4000... también me parece una locura. De todas maneras fijos luminosos hacen falta en fuji, nada me gustaría más que un 23mm f1 o f1.2 como actualización del f1.4 poniendole un poco más de cariño al bokeh como hace oly con sus pro f1.2.
FOTOofertas de última hora en Amazon.
Me pido uno de cada, jajajaja! :Roflmao:

Curioso que no los hagan para Canon / Nikon. Por qué será?
Más de 5. A mi me llegó el otro día. Este puente intentaré estrenarlo haciendo otra cosa que no sean fotos de prueba a un bote.

tiene una pinta increíble, pero teniendo ya el 1.4 de fuji...lo mejor que puedo hacer es quedarme con las ganas :Laugh:. A disfrutarlo compañero...
Son compatibles si dejas el mitakon como objetivo especialista para lo que es. El bokeh a 1.4 sigue siendo mas suave bonito y pronunciado que en el fuji.
Aunque claro, hay que tener muchas ganas o pasta que sobre.
El fuji es mas amistoso para uso general por el af.