
Gurú Fujista
Buenos dias, quisiera saber que procesador lleva la XF10.
El sensor es un APS-C / CMOS con filtro Bayer de 24,2 Megapixels, pero no he conseguido saber que procesador lleva.
Asi que si algun@ lo sabe, le agradeceria lo compartiera, muchas gracias.
En Fuji X Weekly dice que es un genérico, al parecer sin nombre:

The elephant in the room is that the XF10 uses a 24-megapixel sensor with a Bayer color filter array and not an X-Trans array. It’s the same sensor that’s found in the Fujifilm X-A5 and X-T100. Also, the processor is not the same one found in X-Trans III cameras, but a generic one that seems related to the processor found in X-Trans II cameras. What this means is that the XF10 feels more like an X-Trans II camera, but with subtly inferior color rendition. It does have more resolution and slightly better high-ISO performance than X-Trans II, but overall it’s a lot closer to X-Trans II than X-Trans III and not exactly like either.
En Fuji X Weekly dice que es un genérico, al parecer sin nombre:

The elephant in the room is that the XF10 uses a 24-megapixel sensor with a Bayer color filter array and not an X-Trans array. It’s the same sensor that’s found in the Fujifilm X-A5 and X-T100. Also, the processor is not the same one found in X-Trans III cameras, but a generic one that seems related to the processor found in X-Trans II cameras. What this means is that the XF10 feels more like an X-Trans II camera, but with subtly inferior color rendition. It does have more resolution and slightly better high-ISO performance than X-Trans II, but overall it’s a lot closer to X-Trans II than X-Trans III and not exactly like either.
Muchas gracias @vichenso, tomo nota, no queda del todo definido que procesador es ....como en los demas modelos, pero algo es algo... mil gracias.
XC 35 F2 en Amazon