Nuevo firmware: X-H2S, X-H2, X-T4, X-T3, X-S10, XF 18-55 y XF 56 F1.2 WR

Fujifilm ha publicado una nueva ronda de actualizaciones de firmware para introducir nuevas funcionalidades y mejoras, así como para solucionar los habituales bugs. En esta ocasión de ocupan de las cámaras X-H2S (v. 2.00), X-H2 (1.01), X-T4 (1.60), X-T3 (4.40), X-S10 (2.50), y de los objetivos Fujinon XF 18-55mm F2.8-4 R LM OIS (3.24) y XF 56mm F1.2 R WR (1.01).

👷🏽 Traducción en proceso…

Actualización de firmware 2.00 para la Fujifilm X-H2S

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📖 Descarga el apéndice del manual para el nuevo firmware en este enlace.

  1. File Transfer (FT-XH) feature has been available.
    When “FT-XH” is attached, the following feature is available.Image transfer and tethered photography with Wired / Wireless LAN.
    Posting the image data on to the FTP server with Wired / Wireless LAN or using USB tethering feature of the smart phone.
    Operating the multiple cameras (up to 4 cameras) through the browser in the PC, smart phone, or tablet to shoot the movie with “FT-XH”.
  2. AF feature has been enhanced.
    “FOCUS METER” function has been added in “MF ASSIST” in the “PHOTO SHOOTING” menu for still photo.
    The bug has been fixed, which caused that the focal point of a lens was sometimes behind the subject when shooting the small object by selecting “SUBJECT DETECTION SETTING”.
    The bug has been fixed, which caused that camera sometimes stopped shooting when shutter button was half-pressed and hold after “BURST” mode is used with the specific settings.
  3. The bug has been fixed, which caused that the flash did not synchronize with the electronic shutter sometimes at “High Speed Sync” mode or that the black shadow ghost phenomenon appeared in the photo sometimes depending on the shutter speed.
  4. The bug has been fixed, which caused that the pre-view image got frozen for a few seconds when using the XF18-120mmF4 LM PZ WR lens and half-pressing the shutter button at “Stand-by” for the movie taking.
  5. Other minor bugs have been fixed.

Actualización de firmware 1.01 para la Fujifilm X-H2

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  1. The bug has been fixed, which caused that camera sometimes stopped shooting when shutter button was half-pressed and hold after “BURST” mode is used with the specific settings.
  2. Performance at tethering mode was improved when FT-XH is used.
  3. The bug has been fixed, which caused that the pre-view image got frozen for a few seconds when using the XF18-120mmF4 LM PZ WR lens and half-pressing the shutter button at “Stand-by” for the movie taking.
  4. Other minor bugs have been fixed.

Actualización de firmware 1.60 para la Fujifilm X-T4

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📖 Descarga el apéndice del manual para el nuevo firmware en este enlace.

  1. The following operational flow and functions of the zooming and focusing in the camera menu were added or changed.
    ・“TOUCH ZOOM” function was added in the “TOUCH SCREEN SETTING” menu, which is called through the operation flow below.
    [ SETUP MENU ] ➔ [ BUTTON/DIAL SETTING ] ➔ [ TOUCH SCREEN SETTING ]・“POWER ZOOM LENS FUNCTION(Fn) SETTING” menu to allocate the “Fn” button for the power zoom lens functions was added in “BUTTON/DIAL SETTING” menu, which is called through the operation flow below.
    [ SETUP MENU ] ➔ [ BUTTON/DIAL SETTING ] The functions added are “ZOOM/FOCUS CONTROL RING”, “CONSTAN SPEED ZOOM (T/W)” and “CONSTAN SPEED FOCUS (N/F)”.・“LENS ZOOM/FOCUS SETTING” menu was added in “BUTTON/DIAL SETTING” menu, which is called through the operation flow below.
    [ SETUP MENU ] ➔ [ BUTTON/DIAL SETTING ] The functions added are “CONSTANT SPEED ZOOM (8 steps)”, “CONSTANT SPEED FOCUS (8 steps)”, “CONSTANT SPEED ZOOM/FOCUS (Fn) OPERATION”, “START/STOP SWITCH & ACTIVE WHILE PRESSING”, “ZOOM RING ROTATE” and “ZOOM/FOCUS CONTROL RING”.・“FOCUS RING” and “FOCUS RING OPERATION” settings were moved to “LENS ZOOM/FOCUS SETTING” menu which is called through the operation flow below and the inscription of the “FOCUS RING” was changed to “ FOCUS RING ROTATE”.
  2. Exposure adjustment function for the pre-view image/movie has been enhanced by optimizing the parameters for the exposure control when XF150-600mm is used.
  3. “AF+MF” function has been available even fat movie taking.

Actualización de firmware 4.40 para la Fujifilm X-T3

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📖 Descarga el apéndice del manual para el nuevo firmware en este enlace.

  1. The following operational flow and functions of the zooming and focusing in the camera menu were added or changed.
    ・“TOUCH ZOOM” function was added in the “TOUCH SCREEN SETTING” menu, which is called through the operation flow below.
    [ SETUP MENU ] ➔ [ BUTTON/DIAL SETTING ] ➔ [ TOUCH SCREEN SETTING ]・“POWER ZOOM LENS FUNCTION(Fn) SETTING” menu to allocate the “Fn” button for the power zoom lens functions was added in “BUTTON/DIAL SETTING” menu, which is called through the operation flow below.
    [ SETUP MENU ] ➔ [ BUTTON/DIAL SETTING ] The functions added are “ZOOM/FOCUS CONTROL RING”, “CONSTAN SPEED ZOOM (T/W)” and “CONSTAN SPEED FOCUS (N/F)”.・“LENS ZOOM/FOCUS SETTING” menu was added in “BUTTON/DIAL SETTING” menu, which is called through the operation flow below.
    [ SETUP MENU ] ➔ [ BUTTON/DIAL SETTING ] The functions added are “CONSTANT SPEED ZOOM (8 steps)”, “CONSTANT SPEED FOCUS (8 steps)”, “CONSTANT SPEED ZOOM/FOCUS (Fn) OPERATION”, “START/STOP SWITCH & ACTIVE WHILE PRESSING”, “ZOOM RING ROTATE” and “ZOOM/FOCUS CONTROL RING”.・“FOCUS RING” and “FOCUS RING OPERATION” settings were moved to “LENS ZOOM/FOCUS SETTING” menu which is called through the operation flow below and the inscription of the “FOCUS RING” was changed to “ FOCUS RING ROTATE”.
  2. Exposure adjustment function for the pre-view image/movie has been enhanced by optimizing the parameters for the exposure control when XF150-600mm is used.
  3. “AF+MF” function has been available even fat movie taking.

Actualización de firmware 2.50 para la Fujifilm X-S10

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  1. The following operational flow and functions of the zooming and focusing in the camera menu were added or changed.

  • “TOUCH ZOOM” function was added in the “TOUCH SCREEN SETTING” menu, which is called through the operation flow below.
  • “POWER ZOOM LENS FUNCTION(Fn) SETTING” menu to allocate the “Fn” button for the power zoom lens functions was added in “BUTTON/DIAL SETTING” menu, which is called through the operation flow below.
    The functions added are “ZOOM/FOCUS CONTROL RING”, “CONSTAN SPEED ZOOM (T/W)” and “CONSTAN SPEED FOCUS (N/F)”.“LENS ZOOM/FOCUS SETTING” menu was added in “BUTTON/DIAL SETTING” menu, which is called through the operation flow below.
  • “FOCUS RING” and “FOCUS RING OPERATION” settings were moved to “LENS ZOOM/FOCUS SETTING” menu which is called through the operation flow below and the inscription of the “FOCUS RING” was changed to “ FOCUS RING ROTATE”.
  1. Exposure adjustment function for the pre-view image/movie has been enhanced by optimizing the parameters for the exposure control when XF150-600mm is used.
  1. “AF+MF” function has been available even at movie taking.

Actualización de firmware 3.24 para el Fujinon XF 18-55mm F2.8-4 R LM OIS

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  • Se mejora la resolución de la imagen usando el obturador electrónico o el obturador electrónico de cortinilla delantera en las condiciones específicas.

⚠️ El archivo de la actualización de firmware es un archivo ZIP comprimido con dos archivos .DAT en su interior. Tan sólo debemos copiar el archivo XFUP0004.DAT en la tarjeta SD para proceder con la actualización.

Actualización de firmware 1.01 para el Fujinon XF 56mm F1.2 R WR

💾 Descárgala aquí.

The minor bug at using the “INTERVAL TIMER SHOOTING” has been fixed.

👉 ¿Es la primera vez que actualizas el firmware? ¿Necesitas refrescar la memoria? Aquí tienes una guía que detalla cómo actualizar el firmware de cámaras y ópticas de la Serie X.

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Jon Díez Supat
Jon Díez Supat
Friki fotográfico, jefazo y becario en Fujistas



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José Manuel Domenech
José Manuel Domenech
29 septiembre, 2022 21:38

Hola una pregunta ¿por que el nuevo firmwares del objetibo 18-55 viene complimido en zip y al descomplimirlo aparece los ficheros XFUP0004.DAT y XFUP0046.DAT ? y ¿cómo se instala? gracias de antemano.
Saludos desde Gran Canaria

José Manuel Domenech
José Manuel Domenech
30 septiembre, 2022 20:59

ok, gracias